Halp! I'm Stuck in Drupal 7!


Note to the selection committee: I've previously given this talk in 1-hour format; for now I've left it in that same format. I assume I would either pare this down to 30 minutes or submit twice as a part 1 and part 2, but I didn't want to do either of those without your input. I apologize if that's the wrong thing. I assume I'm not the only one with this question.

This is NOT a session about upgrading to Drupal 8; you already want to, you already know you should, and you've already attended 32 different sessions about how. This is for the people who have projects that keep limping along in Drupal 7 and there's no time or budget in sight to upgrade. This is about limiting pain points and decreasing the amount of time you spend on regular maintenance so that you can spend more time on creating that migration plan.

Some of the pain points we'll address:

  • Patching unmaintained contrib modules
  • Site testing
  • Going headless with microservices
  • wrangling unruly configurations

Slides: http://slides.com/lawrencemiller/halp/

Program tags

devops, process, testing

Experience Level


Drupal Version