Happiness Scale: How to Keep Your Development Team Prepared and Happy at Work


As your team grows, so do the nuances of managing it. From different programming languages to dispersed locations, there are a number of roadblocks when it comes to building a cohesive, unified team.

In this session, we’ll cover the tools and strategies you can use to cultivate a happy team as your organization expands. We’ll even dive into examples of how our .NET team helped influence our Drupal projects and overall workflow.

We will also cover various strategies to minimize turnover within the team and keep each employee engaged in your organization. Spoiler alert: keeping your team happy doesn’t rely on ping pong tables or stocked snacks.

Join us for an insightful conversation that will give you the insights to scale and retain your development team moving forward.


Program tags

culture, people mgmt, process

Experience Level


Drupal Version