Holistic SEO and Drupal in 2019


The landscape of the web has changed.  We have moved from the open, ham radio-like days where independent website linked together, and search engines served results that contained the best web pages not the best answers, to one that is closer to cable tv, where a few large corporations control most of the content distribution.

Search algorithms are rapidly changing.  With the increased use of machine learning by search engines, ranking factors are evolving from keywords and links to more complex ideas like User Intent, Industry Relevance, and Topic.  How can independent sites compete and stay relevant, and how does Drupal fit in?

Holistic SEO is a term used to describe a process in which content, marketing, technical SEO, performance, security, user experience and user intent come together to create an ideal URL on the internet, about a certain topic.

By taking a holistic approach to SEO, developers can define best practices that ultimately benefits the site and user instead of chasing today's results.  The presentation will go into depth on how to use the Drupal 8 platform to build sites that empower content creators to build optimal pages.

We will review:

  •    The current scale of search, the most common ranking factors, and how to keep up to date.
  •    An overview of Content, Topic, and Keyword research tools
  •    An overview of technical SEO best practices in Drupal 8
  •    An overview of development and testing tools for SEO

Learning Objectives & Outcomes:

Attendees will come away learning common search engine ranking factors, best practices for technical SEO using Drupal, and ideas on how to guide and empower their administrators to create the best content to achieve their goals.

Program tags

big ideas, content strategy, editor experience

Experience Level


Drupal Version