How to build a sustainable Drupal talent pipeline?


We all know the pains of hiring talent. And great Drupal talent is even harder to come by! So what needs to be done?

Internships are a great way of nurturing and training talent. In this session, we will talk about:

  • A Simple how-to guide for companies to create a successful internship program.
  1. Clear definition of goals
  2. How and when to recruit interns
  3. How to recruit mentors
  4. Policies to make sure that mentors are motivated and incentivized
  5. Policies for feedback and improvements.
  • We will also talk about some financial metrics like
  1. How much time would mentors need per week?
  2. Are interns billable? If not, what are some strategies for making their time valuable to the company?
  3. Can internships lead to higher employee satisfaction?


Program tags

career development, community, people mgmt

Experience Level


Drupal Version