How DevOps Strengthens Team Building

matt westgate

What makes software teams more capable of successfully integrating DevOps than others? And when the successful integrations happen, what types of DevOps tooling do those organizations choose?

You cannot implement a sustainable practice of DevOps without first implementing its culture. We'll look at the research around highly effective teams and use this to understand the culture necessary to create a thriving DevOps practice. I'll give you three steps to implementing the most important cultural shift for your organization to prepare for DevOps capabilities. 

Then we'll look at the latest State of DevOps reports and highlight the most common toolings used by these highly effective teams. This high-level talk for people who manage engineers or are responsible for the quality or providing the resources for the technical implementation.

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culture, devops, leadership

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When & Where

Thursday, 11 April, 2019 - 13:45 to 14:15
608 | Level 6