I Know I Should Use SVGs, But I Don’t Know How


Using SVG images are a lot like going to the gym. We all know we *should* be using them when we write our front end code, but we end up putting it off for another project down the road. And when SVGs are used, they are often implemented in a way that doesn’t unlock their full potential.

During this presentation, we will cover the following:

  • Best practices for SVG implementation in Drupal templates
  • How SVG usage has changed with the new media entity recently added to Drupal core.
  • What an SVG sprite is, how to create one, and why they’re awesome. According to Advanced Web Ranking.com, only 3% of sites on the internet use this technique...but 97% of browsers support it!

This session is for front-end developers or designers who are interested in bringing the efficiency and advantage of SVG images to their sites. Even if you've never used an SVG before, this talk will be on a level you can understand. If you do have experience with vectors, this talk will also be helpful as we will go over specific best practices for using SVGs in Drupal and how things have changed since the 8.4 release.

After this talk, you’ll be ready to work on your SVGs like you’ll be ready to work on your summer body!

Program tags

design, editor experience, front end development

Experience Level


Drupal Version