Improved theme settings in Open Social



In this 25 minute session you will learn more about how we implemented extra theme settings in our Drupal 8 distribution Open Social, to improve customer experience with our product.

Our distribution is used as the base of our SaaS solution for creating online communities. In order for our customers to get the best experience with our distribution it is important that we provide our customers with a solution to personalise and brand our product as if it was their own.

This is where our improved theme settings come into play. From using the undervalued color module and preview, to adding custom fonts and manifest settings.

This talk will show how we integrated this in our Drupal 8 distribution, and even more importantly; how can you do it too!?

Intended audience & takeaways

This talk is interesting for site builders and developers with a beginner experience level.

In this session we include instructions and demonstrations of topics including:

- Theme and subtheme implementation in Open Social

- The core color module

- Custom fonts

- Manifest.json

- The future and contributing back to Drupal

At the end there will be some time for questions.

After this session the audience should leave the room with an insight in creating their own improved theme settings. Using sub themes, the color module and all the other aspects that will make a site give a totally new look and feel.

Program tags

back end development, front end development, site building

Experience Level


Drupal Version