Introducing Tokaido - The fastest development environment launcher for Drupal


This talk introduces Tokaido, a powerful open source toolkit for launching and managing local Drupal development environments. With Tokaido, Drupal developers can spend radically less time creating and managing local coding environments. The benefits of using Tokaido include:

  • Zero-configuration startup: Just run `tok up` and away you go
  • Launch environments faster than ever before - be up and running in less than 1 minute
  • Easily access all your Drupal sites via a trusted SSL endpoint -
  • Run your local environment in production-grade Docker containers
  • Create a new Drupal 7 or 8 site by just running `tok new`, complete with automated testing

In this talk, Drupal developers of all skill levels can see how easy it is to use Tokaido for both new and existing projects. We'll also discuss some advanced configuration options like enabling add-on services like Solr, as well as customising the PHP runtime environment. 

By the end of the talk, attendees will have all the knowledge they need to quickly and easily start running local Drupal environments. They'll be able to spend more time site building and coding, and less time trying to get their local system working. 

You can learn more about Tokaido at

Program tags

automation, back end development, devops

Experience Level


Drupal Version