Let's write secure Drupal code!


In my session, I'll show the most common vulnerabilities that our Drupal code can have and how we should be prepared to avoid such an insecure code to be released. The presentation covers trends in vulnerabilities, starting in general aspects then showing Drupal specific ones. I'll also speak about what we should do if we find any vulnerabilities in contributed solutions.

All backgrounds are welcome from Drupal site builders to contributed projects' maintainers! Every one of you will be able to learn and improve your security awareness as being an active participant in the session.

Be ready for some showcases where we'll check Drupal 7 and 8 codes that are vulnerable and will fix them in live!

After DrupalCamp Antwerp 2017, DrupalCamp Ruhr 2018, Drupal DevDays Lisbon 2018, Drupal Europe 2018 and DrupalCamp Oslo 2018 this session with updated slides will be given sixth time to the public.

Program tags

back end development, security, site building

Experience Level


Drupal Version