Leveraging real-time content updates to decoupled sites via NoSQL


Session will demonstrate the concepts and build behind using Drupal's content authoring and site building experience to power a real-time, decoupled infrastructure, with an emphasis on digital signage.

Various NoSQL options will be discussed, including Firebase and RethinkDB, including how to leverage them both in Drupal and on a front-end JS framework such as React + Node.js build. Other concepts covered will be Socket.io, persistent connections (websockets), pushing vs pulling data for ajax-type requests and the role of PHP and Drupal in such a build.

Intermedia knowledge of both Drupal and javascript is recommended.

The session will answer questions such as how do we build content in Drupal for digital signs and decoupled sites, what are the NoSQL options out there, and what technical considerations need to be explored and answered for such a build.


Program tags

data, decoupled, javascript

Experience Level


Drupal Version