Low Hanging Fruit: Identifying and Fixing Front-end Performance Issues Today


We all know that your website’s performance is critical to the success of its mission. Conversion rates are proven to plummet if with every second of page load time. 

What can we do about this? Why is the web still slow in 2019?

In this session, I'll walk attendees through identifying and fixing low-hanging and very common front-end performance issues. 


  • Web performance metrics you should be measuring and how. Which are the most important?
  • How browsers render web pages, and tips and tricks on using this knowledge.
  • What is the JavaScript main thread? How can I optimize for this?
  • Identifying, profiling, and optimizing for third party scripts.


In order to get the most out of this session, the attendee will have to 1) have some knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, 2) have a basic understanding of browser-based developer tools, and 3) find slow websites extremely annoying.

Program tags

front end development, javascript, performance

Experience Level


Drupal Version