M(Squared): Developing a Multilingual Multisite


Imagine a meeting with your client. You are confident that it will go smoothly. It starts off on a good note. “We want a Drupal site”, they say. No problem. You are a Drupal developer after all. You start to let your guard down and the client starts throwing you curveballs. “We want a multisite,” they say. Again, no problem. You are a good Drupal developer after all. But wait, here comes another curveball! They want a multilingual multisite. Pardon?

Fear not! There is no challenge too great for you for we are here!  

In this session, we will share our processes implementing a multilingual multisite. From the discovery to testing phase, we will share the hurdles and successes we have experienced with our project, in hopes that our “words of wisdom” will be your guide.  

Who Should Attend?

This session is for developers interested in kicking off their first multilingual multisite project. Basic Drupal site building knowledge is necessary.

Program tags

back end development, front end development

Experience Level


Drupal Version