Mana of concentration: the key to success


Concentration is arguably one of the most valuable asset in a developers’ work. All you know how your productivity increases dramatically when you get into the state of so called flow. You seem to capable of solving every issue from your daily To-Do list when you in that state. But sometimes it takes a single question from a colleague or a phone call from your delivery service to get distracted. And then you need to put some effort into getting back into the flow. And with each distraction it seems you spend more and more time on getting into that state. Eventually, you just stop trying since levels of your mana of concentration seem to be completely drained.

I have some proven practices and tricks on how to stay concentrated longer and how to replenish your mana bar faster. It is important to not underestimate the power of concentration and I want to cover both sides of this topic – how to stay concentrated if you’re a developer and how to nourish concentration of your employees and colleagues and why it is so beneficial.

No prerequisites, everyone are welcome.

Program tags

being human, mental health, people mgmt

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