Net Promoter Score - measure the Success


Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric for measuring customer loyalty that was developed by Fred Reichheld, Bain & Co. and Satmetrix in the 1990s.

Company’s NPS is based on one single “ultimate” question: What is the likelihood that you would recommend (our company) to a colleague or friend? The question is asked in a customer survey where the customer answers this question on a scale from 0-10, where 0 means not likely at all and 10 means very likely. Depending on the answers, customers are divided into three different categories.

  • 0-6 = “Critics ” or “Detractors”
  • 7-8 = ” Passives”
  • 9-10 = “Ambassadors” or ” Promoters”

I would like to talk about using the NPS scope as a great framework and with some additional motivational questioning, it can undoubtedly be a useful metric. Its greatest strength is the simplicity, making it functional and interpretable for every stakeholder. Considering a large number of big companies using this tool on a continuous basis, it certainly has proven its worth. For all levels of users and dreamers.

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business, community, ux

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