The NEW Art of Performance Management : an amicable divorce with the past


Have you witnessed annual performance reviews ? Have you ever been in that room (as a reviewer or a reviewee) where an entire year of someone’s work is being analysed in an hour of two, to provide a rating may be, which will decide how much compensation/salary hike/bonus is the person entitled to?

If yes, then you must already feel deep down inside that this is probably not the best measure of someone’s growth. After all, individuals cannot be measured in numbers.  And more importantly, when you see your team members struggling - you don’t feel the need to wait for the scheduled day of reckoning to make things right. It looks like we are trying to run a modern day company by still sticking to age-old performance management techniques.

It’s time to ditch the old and talk about a more meaningful performance management instrument that Focuses on the relationship with people to actually think about elevating an individual’s growth, building mutual confidence and creating a community.

Through this talk, I would like to emphasise on measuring what really matters when it comes to performance and how to help your teams grow to help your organisation grow.

Intended takeaways from the session :

  • Learn about continuous performance management and how to do it
  • Success stories of organisations that have already reinvented their performance management
  • How is it that we can start, continue, track and improve the process

Program tags

being human, people mgmt, project mgmt

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