Pattern Lab + Drupal will rock your world


You may have heard that keeping front-end style-guides up-to-date is a painful & agonizing task. Well that day has come and gone my friends! Using Pattern Lab and Drupal in tandem ensures that the front-end code you write for your style-guide is the same code that Drupal uses to render the page (SAY WHAT!!!!). This alleviates the need to go back and manage a "separate style-guide" since they are no longer two separate components. Here are some topics I'll cover in this session:


  1. Setting up Pattern Lab
  2. Installing necessary modules to integrate with Drupal
  3. Build example components in Pattern lab
  4. Map example components to Drupal
  5. Paragraphs integration

Program tags

css, front end development, site building

Experience Level


Drupal Version