Patternlab with multisite


Pattern Lab helps you and your team build thoughtful, pattern-driven user interfaces using atomic design principles.  The University of Waterloo is using Pattern Lab with Four Kitchens Emulsify to build their Drupal 8 profile and installation.  Pattern Lab and Emulsify integrate well with Drupal 8, however it was difficult to pull it out of the profile and theme to be both allowed to be developed on its own and to be used with a multisite setup. 

Eric and Tyler will talk about how they built their installation in a multisite setup, allowing Pattern Lab and Emulsify to be pulled out of the profile and built on its own.  Demos of how Pattern Lab with Emulsify is setup and detailed explanation of how the theme is now built on its own.  Attendees will have a better understanding of Pattern Lab, Emulsify and how it all works in a multisite and profile build.

Program tags

case study, scaling, site building

Experience Level


Drupal Version