Replace JQuery With Modern JS Frameworks: Specific Use Cases


jQuery is awesome, and has been a staple of Web development for so long, people rarely remember a time without it. But as useful as jQuery is, it’s highly cumbersome for certain kinds of interactive needs, from both a coding and an ongoing maintenance perspective.

I’ll discuss some use cases where jQuery can be replaced with a framework such as Vue.js, and how doing so can make development more efficient and maintainable.

This isn’t a course advocating for the complete removal of jQuery, only for identifying areas where it might not be the best solution, and how to address that.

Key points include:

  • What jQuery does best, and what it doesn’t
  • Benefits of using more structured JS
  • Specific use cases that make sense
  • Getting started with minimal pain points

About Me: I’m the Director of Web Development for The Brick Factory, a Washington, DC-based, Drupal-focused development group. I’ve been involved in web site development and management for 25+ years, with extensive experience in back-end and front-end coding, as well as project and client-based management.

Program tags

javascript, site building, ux

Experience Level


Drupal Version