Running Drupal on OpenShift Origin


Imagine how productive your team would become if they just focused on writing awesome code and didn't worry about continuous delivery and deployment stuff? Well, that's what OpenShift is all about.
OpenShift Origin(now renamed as OKD) is one of the most popular distributions of Kubernetes which focuses on rapid application development. In this session, you will learn about:

1. Should you do the OpenShift thing at all in the first place, a.k.a is this for me?

2. Setting up OpenShift origin on your favorite cloud

3. Deploying and scaling your Drupal site on OpenShift origin

4. How to run polyglot apps and services on OpenShift. In a real world, people don't run just Drupal, they run a few other complementary services along with it like search, caching, decoupled setup etc.

5. Enable a flavor of continuous delivery pipeline which suits your team

All this without getting a PhD in Docker or Kubernetes. It does help if you have a fair idea about how containers work, but it is strictly optional.

Program tags

automation, devops

Experience Level


Drupal Version