Selling Code - Why should this code be merged?


Have you ever created a pull request and struggled to solicit timely and helpful feedback and get an approval? Or have you reviewed a pull request and struggled to understand it? Perhaps you weren’t even sure if the changes were even needed or wanted? If so, this session is for you.

We will cover how a pull request (PR) is like a product looking for a buyer. The pull request reviewer (the buyer), is trying to make an informed decision before they purchase (approve) the product. Thus as a PR creator, you are a salesperson, and understanding the steps of the sales process will help you sell your product and allow buyers to make an educated decision on a product with features they may not be familiar with.

You will come away with an understanding of what an improved pull request workflow looks like, and the many benefits it will offer your organization.

Program tags

people mgmt, process, project mgmt

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Drupal Version