Technical Lead: a career path for some developers




As developers, we may come to a certain point in our career when we are asking ourselves what are the possibilities to grow in a company.

When working in an Agile environment every day, we realise that web development naturally divides in 2 things: the code and the people.

Businesses and teams are valued by developers who can deliver code and communicate to other humans (technical and non-technical).

If you are like me, and realise that you care and value people as much as you value the code that you are writing, if you want to add more value across your company, and if you want to help the others around you, you may want to hear about the Technical Lead role.

In this presentation, I will share the information I collected throughout my research about the Technical Lead role, the responsibilities, the core values, the soft skills... And I will try to give ourselves a better idea of the role and what it takes to grow in that direction when you are a developer.



Table of content


  • What's a Technical Lead?
    • the architect
    • the big picture
    • people management
    • delegation
    • mentoring
    • communication
    • time management
  • Who fits the role?
  • How can you become a TL?
  • Conclusion



Level of expertise


Although the presentation is intended for a medior / senior experienced audience, no technical expertise is required to understand its content. Everyone is welcome to join.

Program tags

career development, leadership, people mgmt

Experience Level


Drupal Version