In Tune with Editors: Applying Design Thinking to Drupal UX


Tableau’s marketing website is vast with 38 content types and almost 50,000 nodes on the site. Although our developers are always prioritizing features for end-users and customers, oftentimes the editor user experience is not the first priority. How can we work to improve the editor experience of such a large site when our 500+ editors around the globe may have drastically different workflows, goals, and needs?

We present an exploratory analysis of how our team used a Drupal 8 migration as an opportunity to actively involve stakeholders in the redesign process. To begin, we used website data to identify some of our most active editors for each of the different sections of the website. Through a number of interviews and surveys with various teams across our organization, we were able to collect these findings and uncover common themes using affinity diagrams, a Design Thinking method. Lastly, we’ll touch on some of the actionable outcomes we were able to produce.


Attendees will learn:

  • How to design surveys and interviews for understanding Editor UX on existing websites

  • The value of empathizing with editors and including them early in the redesign process

  • Specific problems we uncovered that other editors may be facing, too

  • Actionable steps developers can take


Program tags

editor experience, ux

Experience Level


Drupal Version