Using Machine Learning to Augment your Content


This session is about giving a practical example of how the CMS and Drupal community can put machine learning into practice by using a Drupal module, the taxonomy system, and Google's Natural Language Processing API.

We will begin with an overview of what natural language processing is and some natural language processing concepts, including:


  • Sentiment analysis
  • Entity analysis
  • Topic segmentation
  • Language identification


Several different natural language processing API alternatives will be compared and contrasted to help the audience choose for themselves what would be best for their needs. These alternatives include: 


We will then explore practical use cases through analyzing and automatically categorizing news articles using Drupal's taxonomy system and combining those categories with sentiment in order to make a recommendation system for a hypothetical news audience.

I hope to make my first visit to from Toronto to BADCamp an exciting one!

Program tags

back end development, beyond drupal, big ideas

Experience Level


Drupal Version