The What and Why of Drupal Security in Higher Ed


Drupal security is relevant to everyone, but particularly concerning to higher ed where you’re a big target with limited resources. Left to our own devices we may be inclined to search for a good article about Drupal security and install a slew of modules that sound promising. But did you understand why certain items were suggested, or what exactly they accomplished?

In this session, we’ll start by talking about security at a high level and describe why Universities are often a target. From there, we’ll give you a list of actionable takeaways you discuss with your team or implement right away.

  • What security issues are most likely to affect our site?
  • What are our options and what do they accomplish?
  • When should we apply them (and when shouldn’t we)?
  • What do we do about things outside of our control?
  • How do the pieces fit together into a more robust security posture?

Program tags

devops, process, security

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