Working with Git ( Level 2 )


Git is a distributed version control system. Using Git, many developers can make changes to the same code base at the same time without running into accidents like overriding someone else’s changes. Git will update only difference to a file.

As a Drupal developer it is often easy to use Git for years without going much deeper than `git push` `git pull` and `git commit`.

By using Git purely on this superficial level you are missing out on a lot of what makes Git such a powerful tool.

In this presentation we will focus on those tricky powerful bits of Git and advanced Git workflows that will enable you to be a more confident user of such a powerful tool.

Some topics to be covered:

  • Stashing, cherry-picking, and other surgical tools.
  • Rebasing, remotes, and advanced branch management strategies.
  • Learning more from git log and its cousins on your archeology expedition.



Working knowledge of Git from the command line.

You must know the following Git commands and their usage:

  • clone
  • add
  • commit
  • push
  • pull

Program tags

accessibility, scaling

Experience Level


Drupal Version