Your New Mate : Docker!!


Docker is an open source software platform to create, deploy and manage virtualized application containers on a common operating system (OS), with an ecosystem of allied tools. Docker Inc., the company that originally developed Docker, supports a commercial edition and is the principal sponsor of the open source tool.

Docker images and Dockerfiles makes collaborating and ramping up with projects a breeze and drastically reduce the amount of time required to create a working development environment for your Drupal based projects.

What is a Microcontainer?

A Microcontainer contains only the OS libraries and language dependencies required to run an application and the application itself. Nothing more.

Rather than starting with everything but the kitchen sink, start with the bare minimum and add dependencies on an as needed basis.

This session will gives you an insight that how container based model can maintain your Drupal development practises intelligently and efficiently.

Take Away for attendees:

  • Docker from Scratch. (Hands On)
  • Understanding Power of Docker Containers
  • Overview of Micro-containers and Implementation of Docker based solutions that fullfills our requirements.

Program tags

accessibility, beyond drupal, devops

Experience Level


Drupal Version