Clients & Industry Experiences Track
This track covers a broad range of case studies and experiences brought to you by representatives of the organisations specialized choosing for the Open Web. Including speakers using Drupal strategically like CMO’s, CTO’s, digital managers and business/site owners. The key intention is to show how Drupal can adapt to fit projects of all shapes and sizes, across all industries.
Keywords: Digital Experiences, Business, Case Study, Government, Showcases
Featured Track Speakers
How to successfully launch a multi website platform for a leading pharmaceutical company in only 3 months
Experience Level: Intermediate
Making Accessibility More Approachable: Comprehension Over Checkboxes
Experience Level: Intermediate
Drupal Distributions - common challenges and solutions
Experience Level: Intermediate
The business value of design - Tale of two projects
Experience Level: Beginner
Learn how we increased website engagement by 304% for a leading American utility
Experience Level: Beginner
An ambitious digital experience platform for the future of Australia's government
Experience Level: Intermediate
Track sessions
This was just the pre-planned program of just one track of DrupalCon Europe! A ticket also gives you access to all the other tracks too. Also keynotes, live discussions of interest groups (Birds of a Feather), networking opportunities, social events, sponsor gifts and online contribution opportunities.