Makers & Builders: DrupalCon Europe 2021 itineraries

One of the best moments when you consider attending an event is when you dissect the program. You are looking for THE session that will match your current explorations, projects’ questions or the topic you always wanted to dive in but never took the time to get embedded. Please let us try to guide you through the sessions that might get your attention. 


I’m a doer

For this edition, you are super lucky, our speakers proposed a large panel of workshops so if you are more a hands on person than a listener, you need to explore the list of workshops. Room 6 is exclusively dedicated to them.


I’m a beginner, where should I start?

If you only had to attend one session for this whole event, please consider Getting started with Drupal workshop. It’s aimed to get you in the Drupal world and will help you enjoy the rest of the conference. Once you’re hooked into Drupal, you will want to learn how to Build amazing searches with Search API and how to build interactive forms for your audience in Webforms: Choose your own adventure.


I’m more into front-end, anything interesting for me?

Of course! Did you notice Lifting the Veil on AAA Compliant Builds: The Realities of Conformance and How to Navigate Them about accessibility? There is also this session about Theming for Distributions: Sub-theming Like a Pro. And if you got design components on your radar, then Advanced techniques for components integration with Drupal will suit you.


Could you point me to new topics/food for thoughts sessions?

DrupalCons are a great occasion to learn about new topics or ear about projects feedbacks. Machine Learning in Drupal with Tensorflow.js is a hot topic at the moment. PHP 8.1 - What's New and Changed is a good occasion to get up to date. You can discover and play with personalization in this workshop : Open Personalization with Apache Unomi & Mautic. Explore Don't waste your life supporting your team's dev environments! to identify new ideas to increase your productivity.


I love decoupled and scalability, where should I go?

As one of the many Drupal abilities, you can integrate Drupal with Nuxt.js or Gatsby (among others), if you need to build such a use case, DruxtJS 101: Fully Decoupled Drupal with JSON:API and Nuxt.js and Building multilingual websites with Gatsby and Drupal will probably be a fit.

If you build a lot of sites and need to find tools to automate this, Drupal and Ansible: a way of managing a 2000+ environment infrastructure and Building a cloud-native SaaS for CERN's 1k Drupal sites are the two sessions that you will want to follow.


What is this contributing thing that everyone talks about?

If you ask attendees what they liked the most after a DrupalCon, “the community” will be one of the top answers. We are very proud of this. How does it happen? Through strong principles described in our event Code of Conduct and amazing people willing to help you to enjoy Drupal and leverage it’s potential. You can meet them in several occasions. BoFs are informal conversation over a proposed topic. You can bring yours or explore the one already suggested. There are a very limited number of attendees during this type of sessions and it’s easier to connect.

Sprint rooms are also an excellent occasion to meet the community and get on board on contribution. The list of topics to contribute to is wilde and every type of profile can find a topic to work on. Mentors are available to point you to the right direction and get you started if you’ve never done it before!

The community is also doing a great work to triage issues and it can be another way to contribute, there will be a dedicated session about this that you can attend to find out how to help: Introduction to Bugsmash Community Initiative Keynote.

This is just an excerpt of the available sessions for Makers & Builders, please check the full program to find the session you want to attend! There are 5 tracks to explore.

Have a great DrupalCon!