Tea and Coffee Chat with Drupal Diversity and Inclusion Group
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Steep your tea, brew your coffee, then settle in to a comfy chair for a friendly chat in this social hour with the Drupal Diversity and Inclusion Group. Caffeination is not required, sparkling water, ice water, whatever beverage you prefer, you're welcome to join us. :)
We can chat about experiences at DrupalCon Global, within the Drupal community, or just connecting with others who want to work towards a better Drupal community.
The Drupal Diversity and Inclusion Group meets weekly in the Drupal Slack on Thursdays at 12 p.m. ET in the #diversity-inclusion channel. We work to help create a supportive community for marginalized individuals in the Drupal community, and we also work towards more diversity, equity and inclusion in the community and in the wider world.
You can learn more about us at https://www.drupaldiversity.com/about and more about what we are doing at DrupalCon Global at https://www.drupaldiversity.com/drupalcon2020.
Please keep in mind the DrupalCon Code of Conduct, as we want to make sure to have a welcoming environment. https://events.drupal.org/code-conduct