Group microsites: Harnessing the power of the D8 Group module


You manage a site for an organization which can be broken down into smaller groups; individual "microsites", each a little website unto itself, having members, menus, content, taxonomy, etc. This could be departments within a large government or corporate entity or a site for fans of certain bands, authors, and you want to keep each site siloed off from the rest (while still being able to show aggregate lists of all groups’ microsites).

Enter the D8 Group module and other related contrib! We will describe how to build a platform with Drupal which allows users to create a group microsite while administrators still maintain control over the overall structure and features available. We will also talk a bit about how to use the popular Paragraphs module to make a really flexible page builder in conjunction with the new core Layout Builder so users can add pages to their groups with ease, using an intuitive and graphical UI.

Learning Objectives

  • Configure the D8 Group module to provide "microsite" functionality allowing users to create their own brochure-type sites on Drupal.
  • Manage permissions for microsites (via Group and associated modules) to create content silos on a per-group and per-role basis.
  • Create flexible content types with Paragraphs and Layout Builder to make microsite construction easy and intuitive.

Target Audience

Site builders interested in multi-tiered Drupal information architectures, or anyone familiar with Organic Groups in D7.


Basic Drupal concepts including roles, permissions, and content types.


Site Building


drupal 8
information architecture
site building

Experience Level


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