Come to the Community Summit
Submitted by: William Estrada - DrupalCon Los Angeles Community Summit volunteer
Do you love your local Drupal community? Do you want to grow Drupal adoption in your hometown? Do you take satisfaction is providing mentorship or are you looking to pay it forward after being mentored? Are you the person who always raises their hand to help others and wants to get involved?
If this sounds familiar, the Community Summit is a program made just for you! Join fellow Drupal community organizers from around the world on Monday at DrupalCon Los Angeles for a full day dedicated to the one thing everyone has in common: the community. The day will be spent discussing and planning techniques to help communities flourish and grow. There are three community members in additional to Drupal Association staff to facilitate the day, but we need you to be there to help create the content.
Together we will tackle real world problems that face the Drupal community. The Community Summit is modeled off of Open Space Technology.
The morning will start with a quick round-robin of presentations on community initiatives organizers identify as important to speak about and sprint on. If you have one, we would love to hear from you so we can get them posted as a discussion! Past submitted initiatives have included Crowdfunding, Growing local user groups, Drupal Ladders, and increasing participation in local user groups to name a few.
Once initiatives are selected, we will break out into smaller groups tackling these projects into more detail.
After the summit and Opening Night Reception, come relax with your fellow peers for more community fun, chatting and networking at the Yard House.
If you want to learn more how the Community Summit came about? Read Addison Berry's writeup explaining the start of this initiative, and what happened to the Community track, in DrupalCon Prague introduces a Community Summit. Contact Lauren Shey for questions about the Community Summit. Looking forward to seeing you there!