Higher Ed Joins the Summit Lineup

This year in Los Angeles, the Higher Ed Summit will be part of the official DrupalCon program for the first time. Along with the Business and Community Summits, the Higher Ed Summit will meet on Monday, May 11.

Drupal summits for higher education, and education in general, are not new. Around 170 of us from 51 colleges and universities gathered for a pre-DrupalCon summit last year at the University of Texas at Austin. We also met for an Education Unconference back in 2012 before DrupalCon Denver. These summits are mainstays at some of the larger DrupalCamps too, such as BADCamp and NYC Camp.

We will start with a panel presentation and learn how some of our peers are using Drupal at their institutions. We’ll then break off into small group discussions for the rest of the day. Discussion topics will be decided as the Summit approaches, but will likely include tips for training content editors, managing campus-wide Drupal installations, and maintaining brand consistency across sites. There will also be ample time for BoF-style breakouts. Lunch and snacks will be provided.


The Higher Ed Summit is intended for anyone who uses Drupal in the context of a college, university, or other post-secondary institution. All skill levels and roles are welcome. You’ll meet site builders, developers, themers, project managers, support specialists, and more.


Although the Higher Ed Summit is part of the DrupalCon program, it (along with the other Summits) is a separate event and requires a separate registration. On your registration form, there is a section to select which topics pique your interest most, as well as an “Other” field where you can -- and should! -- suggest any other topics about which you are interested.

We are looking for folks to serve as topic facilitators, so if there are any topics about which you would feel comfortable leading a discussion (either among the topics listed on the registration form, or those you suggest yourself), please note that on your registration form. Don’t be shy!

A note about ticket price...

Those of you who have attended other higher education Drupal summits have probably noticed that there is a ticket price attached to this event while the others are usually free, or very low cost.

While we wish we could offer everyone a free ticket, there are operational costs associated with including the Summit in the official DrupalCon program and the convenience of meeting at the Convention Center. We hope the price will not dissuade you from coming to what is certain to be an informative, inspiring -- and fun -- event!