Flight Centre Global Websites - 2 years into the Drupal Journey


I would aim to cover the experiences that Flight Centre has had after 2 years implementing Drupal covering 

- intial business case and what has been acheived in actual and perceived benefits 

- global support model - we are based in AU supporting 7 B2C countries and 90 B2B countries, big and small - we operate approx 180 wesbites in Drupal 

- Skills building how when and where - we have approx 60 Drupal devs worldwide 

- Relationship with Acquia 

- How Drupal fits in with our broader web and eComm strategy 

- Lessons learnt 

- Political machinations along the journey - operating open source in a large company 

- Site conversion (and rebuild) plan and actualities - what really happens on the way to Drupal 

Session Track

Business and Strategy

Experience Level


Drupal Version