Hot Planet, Cool Site: Relaunching


Get the inside story on the design and launch of, the highest-profile Obama administration website of 2014. Built to present a unified compendium of federal climate change research drawn from 13 different agencies, the Drupal 7 site also houses the Third National Climate Assessment – the definitive report on how climate change is affecting the United States.

Hear more about how we navigated a complex federal authorizing environment, managed multiple contractors, and delivered a site that Philip Bump of The Atlantic called “one of the best designed, clearest articulations of climate change I've ever seen.” After a public launch event and media push by the White House, the site received over a quarter million visitors in the first 48 hours and was featured prominently in the national media.

This session will cover:

  • How you can turn dense, scientific data into a beautiful, accessible site
  • How you can successfully leverage Drupal in a rapid development cycle
  • How you can wrangle a complex stakeholder environment into a successful project

Session Track

Drupal Showcase

Experience Level


Drupal Version