Open Source Continuous Delivery for Drupal


The first principle of the Agile Manifesto stages: “Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software”.   Continuous Delivery descibes the practices to fulfil that aim.  It's all about getting to the shortest time between the expression on an idea and it's delivery to end users.

We'll start with an outline of the principles of CD practice, and then move right into implementation. The focus of this session is to show just how easy it is to get a Drupal build up and running in an Open Source CD platform “Go”, ( and along the way illustrate the very nice benefits of delivering in a pipeline. We'll look at why “Go” can be a game changer in bringing stability to agency practice and for selling Drupal into big projects.

We'll cover:

Core concepts of building a Go pipeline

    Setting up a delivery pipeline
    Configuring Build Materials
    Configuring Build Stages
    Configuring Build Artifacts
    Configuring Jobs
    Configuring Tasks
    Drill down to familiar Drush commands

Implementing basic principles of CD practice

    Test and preview on production before cutting over a release
    Zero downtime releases
    Safe and easy rollback options
    Making the release a business decision rather than technical decision.

Take away objectives

    How Go's Trusted Artifacts can take the ambiguity out of the build
    How to get your money's worth out of test automation, with an emphasis on BDD
    Outstanding support for managing dependencies between different projects.

Who this session is for:

Continuous Delivery practice breaks down the dev and ops technical silo, by bringing the less technical side of the team into the delivery process. We will show the devs and admins how to implement CD, and we'll help Business Analysts, QA's, Project Managers and Stake Holders to understand how their roles map to tasks in the delivery game. CD is a full team sport.

Tools are not usually the limiting factor in transitioning to CD, so we'll keep that in balance with the kinds of organizational changes that will enable leaner, faster delivery cycles.



Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version