Organising Self-Organising Teams


Proponents of open source technologies, especially Drupal, have a strong understanding of the collective effort required to achieve a very ambitious goal. We understand the need for shared vision, team collaboration and a strong sense of community. All to support what is essentially a large scale globally distributed self-organising team.

For those of us whose daily work life involves implementing such technologies do we apply a similar approach to our own projects? Is the self-organising team a reality, especially in a commercial or public sector Drupal services environment? If so, how well does self-organisation work in practice and what are the factors that underpin the formation of a successful team?

This session aims to:

  • Focus on how to balance personality and behaviour for optimal outcomes.
  • Highlight the benefits of distributed leadership and project management over command and control.
  • Explore how much process is enough to support but not hinder a successful team.
  • Look at how commercial realities and the pressure to deliver affect the ability to self organise.
  • Define the effect of organisational culture on the motivation to self-organise.
  • Explore how an successful agile approach combined is dependant on strong self-organisation within teams.

Session Track

Business and Strategy

Experience Level


Drupal Version