The panels school of layout


First there were blocks. Then came context. Still, complex layouts was a hard nut to crack, until panels came along. The panels module and its ecosystem changed the layout landscape entierly and site builders can finally create their own layout without sweating out a single line of code.

If you have any of these questions, this session is for you.

1. How a different set of regions for each and every page within the same site?

2. I want the title/subtitle of this block to be editable. How do I do that?

3. I want layout A for role X and layout B for role Y. How do I go about doing it?

What will be covered in this session:

1. The panels module and how it works

2. panelizer, how to configure and tweak it

3. panels everywhere(look ma! no blocks)

4. Panopoly distribution, why you should use it

Session Track

Site Building

Experience Level


Drupal Version