test session please ignore


You've grown up as a PHP devloper. You used to just tinker with themes and layouts. Then you started architecting sites. Now you are building full-blown web applications. Entire businesses are reliant on your codebase for their day to day operations. Their customers depend on the site to operate consistently. 

And you're still not writing tests? WTF?

The transition from using Drupal as a site development platform to an application framework means more and more site fuctions have to work, every time, all the time. A minor change in a core function can spell disaster, bringing down a critical application like a house of cards. The best defense Drupal developers have against those critical issues is testing. Drupal 8 has made the implementation of testing frameworks easier than ever; it's time to start using them.

This session will:

  • Conceptually introduce the need for testing on web applications with a demonstration
  • Discuss testing approaches
  • Talk about different frameworks for testing available
  • Create some tests on a demo site with PHP Unit


Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version