Feel the Need For Speed? Theming With LibSass and Grunt
In this session, I'll show you how to start using LibSass, a super fast rendering engine for Sass. We'll use Grunt to leverage LibSass and its associated libraries. Grunt is a JavaScript task runner that helps streamline your workflow. It automates what are normally mundane tasks so you can concentrate on what counts, design and development of websites. Grunt does things like CSS and JS minification, autoprefixing, code compilation, and a whole host of other tasks.
If you're coming from a Ruby Sass environment you may be experiencing slow compile times with larger code bases. LibSass gets around these bottlenecks and compiles in milliseconds, even for a site with lots of partials, complex mixins, and multiple libraries.
I'll also show you how to integrate LibSass and Grunt into your Drupal theme, and how this works well across workflows, version control, and teams.
Topics to be covered- How to install Grunt, which will be central to using LibSass
- Configuring package.json, the heart of your node modules
- Configuring gruntfile.js, which will run our tasks
- Compile LibSass using Grunt
- Integrating into a Drupal theme
- Integration into workflows and version control
- Using Node add-ons for LibSass, including Bourbon Sass and Susy Grids.
- Explore other node add-ons to leverage the power of Grunt.