Course description

The "Application Development with the Symfony Components & Twig" is a training targeted to any PHP and Drupal developers who want to improve their skills with PHP and Object Oriented Programming. It focuses on some professional PHP development tools like Composer, the Symfony Components and Twig template engine.

The main goal of this workshop is to introduce Composer, the de-facto standard for PHP projects dependencies management and the Symfony Core components that are used as the foundation of the Drupal 8/9 projects. This training is not about Drupal 8 but it's about the Symfony Core components on which the new Drupal 8 architecture relies.

Learning Objectives

You will learn how the Symfony core kernel routes any HTTP requests to your application controllers and how it returns the corresponding HTTP response. You will also learn the basics of using Twig, the Open-Source template engine used by Drupal. During the training, your trainer will also teach you how to write clean, maintainable, testable and extensible object oriented code by introducing some famous design patterns and best practices such as dependency injection and repetitive refactorings. In the end, you will learn how to make your application code truly extensible thanks to the Symfony Dependency Injection Container and Event Dispatcher components.

Who will gain the most from this course?

In order to truly take advantage of this workshop, we recommend all participants to have a good knowledge of the PHP programming language (variables, arrays, functions, procedural programming) and the basics of object oriented design (classes, methods, attributes). Also, we recommend all participants to bring their personal computer with a running environment that includes the following tools: Apache2 (or nginx), PHP 5.5+, MySQL, Git SCM and the IDE of your choice (NetBeans, Eclipse, PHPStorm [recommended]).

Prerequisites for this course

It's required that every participant brings their personal computer with the recommended software architecture.

Course Information

Date: May 11
Time: 9:00-5:00
Cost: $500 - includes breakfast, lunch and coffee breaks
Training Company: SensioLabs
Trainer: Hugo Hamon
Experience Level: Intermediate
Drupal Version: N/A

When & Where

Monday, 11 May, 2015 - 09:00 to 17:00

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