Social API, Google Summer of Code, and Google Code-In

Tuesday, 10 April, 2018 - 14:15 to 15:15

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We have a presentation for Social API same day at 11:00am, break for lunch, then BoF at 2:00pm.

Social API: D8's Authentication and Posting Suite for Social Networks. @ 

Social API was built by Google Summer of Code and Code-In students.  Since the Social API presentation was selected at Drupalcon, we brought out the 2 GSoC students. BoF will be your chance to learn about the Social API in person and meet a "real life GSoC student"!

Plus we will share this BoF space for anyone interested in learning more about Google Summer of Code or Google Code-In. If you're alumni student or mentor, be sure to find us at BoF!