DrupalCon Nashville Developer Contest

DrupalCon Nashville 2018's developer content is brought to you by:

Digital Bridge Solutions

Music Generator Module


Contestants must write a Drupal module that parses content from drupal.org to output their own title and at least 1 new stanza to the song “I Walk the Line” by Johnny Cash.


Show of your skills in a creative way! This competition should display your skills in:

  • String parsing
  • Http requests
  • Creativity - part of the challenge is the new 4 line stanza should be an original addition or edit to the song. Your stanza could include Drupal and coding puns that tie back to “Walk the Line” by Johnny Cash



My code is clean and easy to consume

No lack of tabs or semicolons through

I’ll admit my booleans are true

This code of mine parses the line

Qualifications and Time Commitment

Expectation is it should take less than 1 hr to complete a submission for a proficient Drupal backend developers.


Submissions should be sent by doing two things:

  • Tweet the song title to @DbridgeChicago using the hashtags #DrupalCon2018 and #ParseTheLine
  • Email your code to “nashville2018@dbridgesolutions.com” as a file attachment and the lyrics the code should output when run.



  • It must pass the following acceptance criteria:

    Scenario: install module in Drupal 8
    Given I have a Drupal 8.4 installation
    When I put the module code in modules/custom/music-generator
    Then I can install the Music Generator module

    Scenario: admin route that displays the song and HTTP resources
    Given I am logged in as an admin
    When I go to /admin/music-generator
    Then I see song lyrics
    And I see the HTTP resources used as content for the lyrics

    - The printed lyrics must be 1 or more stanzas of the song (4 lines)

  • The lyrics of the song printed must all be requested from the “www.drupal.org” domain via HTTP requests at the time of the form submission. The content also must NOT be created for the purpose of this competition.


Rating Criteria

Submissions will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Drupalisms - The word Drupal must be used at least once; the more Drupal related the better!
  • Code standards - The code must comply with Drupal coding standards
  • Completeness - The Music Generator must meet all Requirements
  • SOLID - Adherence to object-oriented SOLID design principles



1st prize receives a Johnny Cash record and $100 gift card to Etch.

2nd place - $50 Amazon gift card

3rd place - $25 Amazon gift card