Get a perfect 100 in Google PageSpeed & what will happen if you don't


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  • Page Speed will be a ranking factor for Google search
  • Learn how to get a perfect Page Speed score
  • HTTP 2 & CDN's are not the complete answer

Google recently announced that starting in July 2018, page speed will be a ranking factor for mobile searches. Find out how that will affect you, and what you can do about it. Learn how to benchmark your site’s frontend and what metrics really matter. What pages should be heavily optimized, and what ones don't need to be. Learn why HTTP 2 isn't going to solve all your problems, and why inline css & defer js fixes the "render-blocking in above-the-fold content" issue.

By the end of the presentation you'll know what diagnostic tools to use, and how to solve the issues they find. If you apply all the tips listed in this presentation, on average your site's start render time will be cut in half, and the document ready metric will be improved by at least a quarter as well; with a high probability of hitting that perfect 100/100 score. These tips can apply to your Drupal 8 or 7 site or any site in general.

By not following this guide, users with a slow connection (mobile, cafe wifi, etc) may get bored and exit before your site even loads, and your search rankings will drop. Google AMP is not be the best way forward, as it has some drawbacks, also some of the AMP alternatives will still rank poorly in Google's tools

Fight for the user! Prevent endless white screen loading pages! Come to this presentation to be the hero of frontend performance, the internet is counting on you! Also see a brief overview of some more advanced tools if you want to go above and beyond this presentation.

People attending this session should know:

  • How to edit CSS and JS files
  • Install and configure themes and modules
  • Have a Basic/Conceptual understanding of HTTP requests
  • View the network panel/tab in the browser's console/developers tools

Note that the experience level is set to Advanced because this presentation covers technical details that most webmasters don't think about, but the concepts are fairly easy to understand with actionable steps to take for just about every issue.

Session Track

Front End Development

Experience Level


Drupal Version

When & Where

Thursday, 12 April, 2018 - 13:00 to 14:00
101AB | Pantheon