PM Track Closing Ceremony & Mentor Mixer!

Thursday, 12 May, 2016 - 13:00 to 14:00
286 [Just Digital]

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Please join the PM track chairs & interested parties in a closing ceremony of sorts! We'd like to accomplish several goals with this BoF:

1) Retrospective on the track.
Got feedback? We'd love to hear it. (What did you love, hate, wish you heard more of or less of? Suggestions, Comments, Criticisms and Ideas are welcome!)

2) Community development.
We have many talented & experienced PM's in our midst, and we all have questions now and again. Let's take advantage of each other to form a network and utilise each other's expertise for everyone's benefit! Sign up to be a PM Mentor, someone who can be called upon for Q&A's, or perhaps, just a good vent!

3) Open forum for Q&A's.
Bring your tough questions, let's have a round table discussion on how PM's in our group would solve them!

We look forward to seeing you at the BoF!