Achieving Symbiosis for Project Teams

As a Managed Services team member, how do you make all of your clients happy, your production team happy, and manage to stay happy yourself the whole time?
We'll explore the dynamics of the developer and project manager roles, and how we can inhabit a symbiotic relationship that lets us serve so many more clients more effectively than ever before.
We'll talk about etheric subjects like states of mind and emotional communication, as well as more specific techniques for efficiency, including Git Flow, onboarding (a.k.a. "project archaeology"), production workflows, and management styles.
This leads to a happy, relaxed and effective team that can successfully manage more concurrent projects with happier clients than ever dreamed possible!
We'll assume that you are somewhat familiar with some basic project tools and techniques, but really, every experience level is welcome. Everyone should walk away with greater insight into successful Managed Services engagements.

Session Track

Project Management

Experience Level


Drupal Version