CIBox - Continuous Integration suite for Drupal/non-Drupal companies.

  1. You are dreaming about Single Button deploy.
  2. Your Release Manager getting no vacations.
  3. You are fighting with tough control over a team.
  4. You want to push knowledge exchange within your team.
  5. Code review makes you nervous but nobody wants to follow it.
  6. Deadlines are nightmare.
  7. User Acceptance Testing goes forever.
  8. Your clients prefer other companies for SLA.

If any of the above gives YES answer in your case, welcome to our session.

We've made OpenSource solution, that covers development, project management, quality assurance out of the box and brings it to high level of control and quality. Knowledge exchange is a bonus.

What is under the hood of success? 
Well, as example - 30 days UAT period decreased to 5days in a project with 1200 hours.

All other details you can get by attending our session.


Session Track


Experience Level


Drupal Version