Coffee's for Closers (but only if you have an established sales process)


Taking a line from Alec Baldwin in Glengarry Glen Ross, the 1992 film depicting the struggles of real estate salesmen, I'll articulate the benefits of having an established sales process for your web agency. I’ll walk through the different activities involved with each stage of the sales process and show how to effectively engage your prospective buyers. Starting with pre-sales, moving into engagment (the sales funnel), and continuing into post-sales activities. I'll touch on how and where Drupal fits into this process and which benefits make great selling points. If you're a part of a small agency or a freelancer trying to increase your close rate, this talk will be beneficial for you.

So, this talk is really for the freelancer or small agency that is unsure of how to approach the sales side of their business. Really any one who doesn't know much about how a sales process should be put together will be able to get something out of this talk. Sales (for any business) is up and down. Knowing how to establish, follow, then improve your own sales process helps you ride out 'down' times, and take advantage of the 'up' times. It will let freelancers and small agencies create a standard for their sales process, they'll be able to integratee others into it, it's something they'll be able to focus on, and improve if it doesn't seem to be working for them. 

I think freelancers and small agencies would walk away with some really great info about the sales process.

On my blog:

On slideshare:

Session Track


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Drupal Version