Drupal 8 : Mobile in its DNA
This session will be covering different aspects of Mobile Initiatives taken in Drupal 8 and how it will improve our Site (UI and performance wise). Session will be based on below mentioned points and will be having interactive presentations/activities to get attention of the Drupalers and non-Drupalers as well.
- Drupal 8 Mobile Initiatives : Why Mobile First?
- What make Drupal Mobilicious?
- Mobile Administration
- Concept of Breakpoint : Brief of Breakpoints and Breakpoint Module. [DEMO : Implementing Breakpoint in theme/module]
- Responsive Image : How to create Responsive Images, Brief of Responsive Image Module, Empty Image Concept. [Demo : Backend configuration for making image responsive]
- Scene of "Picture" behind Responsive Images.
- Empty Image Concept
- Responsive Tables : View Tables, Tables in Content
- Front End Performance
- Welcome of HTML5 into core Drupal
- Impact On SEO
Session will include Demo of all above points through building of some fantastic mobile designs on Drupal 8
Every keypoint will be compared with Drupal 7.