Drupal 8 : Mobile in its DNA

This session will be covering different aspects of Mobile Initiatives taken in Drupal 8 and how it will improve our Site (UI and performance wise). Session will be based on below mentioned points and will be having interactive presentations/activities to get attention of the Drupalers and non-Drupalers as well. 
  1. Drupal 8 Mobile Initiatives : Why Mobile First? 
  2. What make Drupal Mobilicious?
  3. Mobile Administration 
  4. Concept of Breakpoint : Brief of Breakpoints and Breakpoint Module. [DEMO : Implementing Breakpoint in theme/module]
  5. Responsive Image : How to create Responsive Images, Brief of Responsive Image Module, Empty Image Concept. [Demo : Backend configuration for making image responsive]
  6. Scene of "Picture" behind Responsive Images.
  7. Empty Image Concept
  8. Responsive Tables : View Tables, Tables in Content
  9. Front End Performance
  10. Welcome of HTML5 into core Drupal 
  11. Impact On SEO

Session will include Demo of all above points through building of some fantastic mobile designs on Drupal 8

Every keypoint will be compared with Drupal 7.

Session Track

Front End

Experience Level


Drupal Version