Managing Drupal 8 Sites with Composer and Drupal Scaffold


Composer is the industry-standard PHP dependency manager that is now in use in Drupal 8 core. This session will show the current best practices for using Composer, drupal-composer, drupal-scaffold, Drush, Drupal Console and Drush site-local aliases to streamline your Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 site repositories for optimal use on teams.

We will answer such gripping questions as:

  •     How do I avoid placing a copy all of the Drupal core and contrib modules into my repository?
  •     How do I keep my core and contrib modules up-to-date?
  •     What if I need to customize .htaccess, or some other file?
  •     Can I work with a "lean" repository, and still seamlessly use a full repository to deploy?
  •     How do I share Drush aliases with team members, without using another repository, and without making my alias list too long?
  •     What is a Drush wrapper script, and how can it help me?
  •     Should I use test fixtures in my Behat tests, or make a copy of the production site database?

These techniques will also be helpful for solo site developers--you never know, the next person who needs to check out, build and test your Drupal site from scratch might be you!

Session Track

Coding and Development

Experience Level


Drupal Version