Gaurding the Gates: An in-depth guide to Drupal authentication and authorization


If you have a Drupal site, you have Drupal users. Our favorite CMS contains a powerful set of tools to manage authenticating and authorizing users. If you do nothing turn it on you will benefit from best-in-class user security. But if you care about your site and your users you can't stop there. In this session you will learn about the theory of user authentication and authorization, how Drupal implements these and what you can do to make accessing your site easier for the good guys and harder for the bag guys.

In this session we will cover:

  • What is authentication
  • What is authorization
  • How does core Drupal implement user auth
  • How can we make user access more secure
  • How can we make user access more convenient

This session is suitible for site builders and admins. No programming experience is required.

Session Track

Site Building

Experience Level


Drupal Version